Mt Rainier is revealed after a small gap in the low hanging fog opened for a brief 2 minutes. Image taken at Chinook Pass inside Mt Rainier National Park.

Warm light on Mt SI taken from Borst Lake just out side of North Bend WA. The light started from right to left and moved across the trees and Mt Si at the same time, it was one of the most amazing scenes I ever had the pleasure to enjoy with my father.

A older Mountain Goat strolls by without giving any pause during an amazing Sunrise In the Enchantments Core.

Sunrise over Jade Lake in the Alpine Lake Wilderness. A truly unexpected sunrise with a forecast of rain all night and morning. The Rains held off just long enough for this amazing light to peer through.

Mt rainier light trails from Kite Park. while my friend was driving the curved light trails for an original image a pedestrian yelled out, ‘learn how to drive".” it ended up being one of the funniest moments I have ever had while taking an image!

Layers of the Cascade Range Below the grandness of Mt Baker. Taken from Mt Rainier National Park.